Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Success Is Not About Talent As Much As It Is A State Of Mind

Have you ever noticed how some people who are extremely intelligent and talented struggle through life while others that pale in comparison to them become extremely successful?  The myth that the smarter and more talented you are, the more success will come into your life is simply not true.  But why?  Well, there are many answers, so lets examine a few of them.

I have found that success is a result of expectation:   Without question, the people I have seen become successful almost always expected to become successful.  It was only a function of time until their success lined up with what they thought would happen.  They made a decision to succeed, and once that decision is absolute in their mind, it happened.
Smarts are not all it takes to succeed.   In fact, I believe it is only a very small part of it.  I have found many smart people to take too much time thinking about things and they never get around to doing anything.  Smart people like trying to find shortcuts and be creative instead of simply putting in the time and making the sacrifices it takes to succeed
People who have struggled in their life many times have created a subconscious expectation of failure, and although they may be very intelligent and talented, they will subconsciously sabotage something that would ultimately create their success.  I work with a gentlemen in my business that has incredible talent, charisma, and intelligence at such a level that it is scary.  I expected him to set records in the business after the first conversation I had with him.  However, any significant success has not come his way yet.  The reason simply put is that every time he gets going and success is on the horizon, obstacles and distraction find their way into his life and a monkey wrench appears which haults progress because he allows it to take him away from the project at hand.  The truth is he has every tool in the book to succeed but lacks the one thing that will take him to the top; the mindset of success.  The State of mind that expects and actually demands success.  Rather he subconsciously expects to struggle so when things are going good, his mind finds something to change the pattern.  Basically it is a self sabotage.  It is the exact reason a large majority of people who win a lottery are broke within a short period of time.  Their mindset is as a person who is broke, and their mind doesn’t know how to deal with having money so it self sabotages by gambling, wasteful spending, and the like.  Same with many athletes who have made Millions and are now completely broke.
So, Here is my formula for success.

Set expectations of your life to be successful and focus on them daily.  Michael Jordan said “Your expectations of yourself shape your life”  So expect to become successful.  Think big!  Never say “you can’t” do anything.    Spend time with people who encourage you and are positive influences.  I was blessed to parents that never told me “I couldn’t do something”.  I was always told I could do whatever I put my mind to my whole life.  And although I have had my fair share of challenges in business, I have always ended up succeeding because it was an expectation.  Create a dream board with all of your lifes dreams and goals depicted in the collage of your creating and lose yourself in it for just 5 minutes a day.  Imagine what it is going to feel like when you achieve those goals.  Picture it. And tell yourself everyday that you deserve it because you are willing to make the sacrifices necessary and the commitment necessary to do what it takes to make it happen. Write out your goals as if they already happened.  Finally, become a competitor.  Challenge yourself to be the absolute best at what you do.   I will never settle for being second best and that is a driving force for me.  Make it a driving force for you too.

I leave you with this thought Your mind is like a garden, you grow what you plant. Think, feel and visualize your dreams and they will come your way.

Debbie Hancock

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