Wednesday, September 18, 2013

  1. By Brynne Tillman + Lisa Peskin Co-Authors: Leveraging LinkedIn for Business Development,

LinkedIn Contacts and LinkedIn App – Is LinkedIn becoming a CRM?

LinkedIn Contacts and LinkedIn AppIs LinkedIn becoming a CRM? Sure looks like they are moving in this direction.  LinkedIn Contacts App may be the biggest and boldest move LinkedIn has made so far. It is also available on . From what I see, it hasn’t rolled out to everyone and many of these features look as though they may be for the paid accounts only. But what I am seeing is very exciting. Here is what you get:
  1. Profile Organizer is now part of LinkedIn Contacts. Saved profiles, Tags and notes are now in one place under one convenient place – contacts.
  2. Notes section, which used to be available to everyone, then was limited to the paid accounts only but looks like it is now back with the LinkedIn Contacts App. And, only you can see this space so you can write whatever you want.
  3. You can save notes about your contacts and set reminders to stay in touch, unfortunately this is limited to 1 day, 1 week, 1 month or recurring. It would be ideal if you can set the date and time, but it is a start.
  4. There is a separate note on how you met. What a great way to remind us how we initially connected and why.
  5. Easily tag your contact in a group that you create so you can keep them organized and easy to manage.
  6. Your Email threads are available on your connections profile now. What a wonderful way to review past conversations. LinkedIn really wants us using them as an email and contact database, and they are doing a great job making this easy for us!
  7. Bring all your contacts into one place. Sync your address books and calendars. You can sync CardMunch, Evernote, IPhone Address Book, Outlook contacts, Gmail and on and on – bold and beautiful!
  8. Searching is fantastic – within you connections there are fields that include company, title and so much more.
  9. Once you sync – an icon will appear next to everyone’s profile to let you know where and how you are connected.
  10. LinkedIn now gives us a daily reminder of who in our network has birthdays, new positions and other relevant updates. You can send a quick note to stay in front of them from one easy place!
  11. You can still export you connection to, just click on settings and the download link is on the top right.
  12. BONUS: You can see the date you connected. Boy I love this feature!
I will keep you all up to date as I learn more! CLICK HERE to learn more about how LinkedIn can grow your business? Check out BDU’s On-Demand Webinar -

Monday, September 2, 2013

Home Security: 9 Tips to
Keep You Safe

Burglar approaching a homeWhile some home security tips are common knowledge, here are some unique pointers from industry experts that you may not be aware of.
1. Hide valuables in kids’ rooms.  Many people put valuables in their master bedrooms or their own dresser, but it’s best to put these items in children’s bedrooms, where thieves may not look.
2. Don’t place your security system keypad near a window where a burglar can see it.  Not only can the burglar break the glass and reach in to attempt to disarm, but he can also see if the system is armed.
3. Keep car key fobs close to the bed at night.  That way, if you hear an intruder, you can easily hit the car’s “panic button,” which will likely scare off the burglar.
4. Pack your car for vacations discreetly, and don’t leave it packed overnight.  A packed car is an excellent indicator to a burglar that the home’s residents will be away for an extended period of time.
5. Store firewood away from windows.  A pile of extra wood can be used to access second-story windows.
6. If a service worker asks to use your bathroom, check later to ensure the window hasn’t been left unlocked.
7. Only use the services of a reputable locksmith.  The locksmith should also be bonded and secured.
8. When away on vacation, have a neighbor not only collect mail and newspapers, but also flyers and advertisements that may be left at the front door.  When these accumulate, it can signal to a burglar that the homeowners are away.
9. Use security system window decals and yard signs even if you skip the system itself!  The signs alone deter many burglars.
© National Security Institute, Inc.

Monday, August 26, 2013

‘Clickjacking’: The Hidden Threat
Right in Front of You

Even savvy computer users can fall for “clickjacking,” the latest trick that hides a scam on a seemingly safe web page.

How it works
Clickjacking starts like most online phishing scams.  You receive an email, social media message, or text that directs you to a website.  Scammers may claim to be a major retailer giving away an iPad, for example.
The message instructs you to go to a website and enter to win.  When you get to the site, everything looks normal.  But scammers have hidden links and other content on the page.  In addition to the content you can see, there’s an invisible layer.
You complete the form and hit the “Register Now!” button, and that’s when you’re snared: the scammers have placed an invisible link on top of that button.
You think your click is entering you to win the gift, but you’re actually activating software code that may do anything from ordering goods from (using the “one-click” feature) to changing the settings on your computer.
The technique is often used to trick victims into “liking” something on Facebook, a variant dubbed “likejacking.”

How to spot a clickjacking scam   
BulletIf it seems too good to be true, it probably isn’t.  Stay away from teasers for sensational videos and offers that are too good to be real.
BulletUpdate your web browser.  Newer versions of browsers have security updates that warn you of suspicious websites.
BulletLog out of websites.  Many clickjacking scams take advantage of web users’ habit of staying logged into sites like Facebook or Amazon.
BulletDon’t believe what you see.  It’s easy to steal the colors, logos, and header of any established organization.  Always keep your guard up!
  By: © National Security Institute, Inc.

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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

5 Keys of The Opportunity Minded

5 Keys of The Opportunity Minded

     Among the obvious characteristics of a successful entrepreneur such as ambition, good work ethic, and strong leadership skills, an important quality that is often overlooked is being opportunity minded.  My definition of being opportunity minded is always being on the lookout for opportunity. Whether things are currently going well or could use improvement, by looking at situations as possible opportunities, you’re constantly learning and arming yourself with the needed information to stay on the cutting edge of what is happening.  Speaking from personal experience, It also may help you identify that the opportunity you are currently working on is really the ultimate opportunity for you as this has done for me over the last 13 years.  Opportunity minded people are also my favorite people to connect with and work together on projects as well.

Here are 5 ways to create the mindset of an opportunity minded individual or identify those people who are opportunity minded

Leverage: Work smarter not harder. If you find yourself putting in endless hours but you feel at times you are spinning your wheels, it’s a good idea to re-evaluate how you’re spending your time and also with whom you are spending it with. Some great ways to maximize your efficiency is to eliminate distractions, prioritizing result producing activities, stay organized, and be proactive.  If you are working with others, I recommend matching their efforts.  This prevents you from wasting time on activities that will not create leverage for you.  I call it “using the law of increasing returns”
Consider “no” as “not yet.” No matter how you slice it, you are going to hear that dreaded word, “no,” over and over again in any business. The key is to not let it discourage you or change your success mindset in the slightest. Instead of interpreting it as “no,” think of it as, “not yet.” This will keep you from closing the door on a potential opportunity prematurely. Although at times “no” really does mean “no,” keeping your mind open to the possibility that a “yes” may happen eventually will ensure you don’t miss out on a follow up opportunity.
Avoid the “short term” mindset of success. Where do you see your business in the future?   Creating a long term plan for your business gives you direction and allows you to continue moving forward and build a solid brand. As competition increases, technology evolves, and customer require change, It is critical to stay on top of current business and industry trends so that you aren’t left eating the dust of your competition.  If the opportunity you are working on has a short sighted plan, it may be time to reconsider a longer term opportunity that holds a great track record.
Network, Network, Network. Networking should be a constant in your business that never ends. I always look to expand my network not only at formal events like industry conventions, but also within the communities I currently do business and people you already know. I highly recommend stepping out of your comfort zone and exploring new social groups. Join a book club or volunteer with a local Non-Profit organization. You may just find that you are having fun and meeting some great people at the same time

Establish and maintain a great reputation and personal brand. Strive for excellence in all areas of your life.  This is certain to personally brand you as a person to be connected with. Once you have done so, make it clear to everyone you do business with that maintaining your reputation is your number 1 priority. Unfortunately, all it takes is one incident to cast doubt on your abilities and tarnish your good name. Practice integrity and consideration for others in all you do and DO NOT COMPROMISE. Do not overpromise anything as this practice is a sure fire way of tarnishing your personal brand and reputation.  Operating with integrity and honesty will speak for itself and open doors to new and exciting opportunities and you will also attract the right people into your business and life.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Success Is Not About Talent As Much As It Is A State Of Mind

Have you ever noticed how some people who are extremely intelligent and talented struggle through life while others that pale in comparison to them become extremely successful?  The myth that the smarter and more talented you are, the more success will come into your life is simply not true.  But why?  Well, there are many answers, so lets examine a few of them.

I have found that success is a result of expectation:   Without question, the people I have seen become successful almost always expected to become successful.  It was only a function of time until their success lined up with what they thought would happen.  They made a decision to succeed, and once that decision is absolute in their mind, it happened.
Smarts are not all it takes to succeed.   In fact, I believe it is only a very small part of it.  I have found many smart people to take too much time thinking about things and they never get around to doing anything.  Smart people like trying to find shortcuts and be creative instead of simply putting in the time and making the sacrifices it takes to succeed
People who have struggled in their life many times have created a subconscious expectation of failure, and although they may be very intelligent and talented, they will subconsciously sabotage something that would ultimately create their success.  I work with a gentlemen in my business that has incredible talent, charisma, and intelligence at such a level that it is scary.  I expected him to set records in the business after the first conversation I had with him.  However, any significant success has not come his way yet.  The reason simply put is that every time he gets going and success is on the horizon, obstacles and distraction find their way into his life and a monkey wrench appears which haults progress because he allows it to take him away from the project at hand.  The truth is he has every tool in the book to succeed but lacks the one thing that will take him to the top; the mindset of success.  The State of mind that expects and actually demands success.  Rather he subconsciously expects to struggle so when things are going good, his mind finds something to change the pattern.  Basically it is a self sabotage.  It is the exact reason a large majority of people who win a lottery are broke within a short period of time.  Their mindset is as a person who is broke, and their mind doesn’t know how to deal with having money so it self sabotages by gambling, wasteful spending, and the like.  Same with many athletes who have made Millions and are now completely broke.
So, Here is my formula for success.

Set expectations of your life to be successful and focus on them daily.  Michael Jordan said “Your expectations of yourself shape your life”  So expect to become successful.  Think big!  Never say “you can’t” do anything.    Spend time with people who encourage you and are positive influences.  I was blessed to parents that never told me “I couldn’t do something”.  I was always told I could do whatever I put my mind to my whole life.  And although I have had my fair share of challenges in business, I have always ended up succeeding because it was an expectation.  Create a dream board with all of your lifes dreams and goals depicted in the collage of your creating and lose yourself in it for just 5 minutes a day.  Imagine what it is going to feel like when you achieve those goals.  Picture it. And tell yourself everyday that you deserve it because you are willing to make the sacrifices necessary and the commitment necessary to do what it takes to make it happen. Write out your goals as if they already happened.  Finally, become a competitor.  Challenge yourself to be the absolute best at what you do.   I will never settle for being second best and that is a driving force for me.  Make it a driving force for you too.

I leave you with this thought Your mind is like a garden, you grow what you plant. Think, feel and visualize your dreams and they will come your way.

Debbie Hancock

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Athlete – Entrepreneur connection : 
Why Athletes Often Become Incredible Business People

      When I began my entrepreneurial journey, I always had an inner fire that was driving me.  There was nothing in the world that could stop me and I have made a nice mark thus far in my endeavors as a result.  Prior to my introduction into the business world, I was a successful athlete. In fact, as far back as I remember, I was always in athletics and was very successful in every sport I ever participated and won many championships.  Ever to this day, I participate on occasion in a sport and have a drive to win.  I became a competitor in sports over my life, and that competitiveness has stayed with me into the business world.


Being in the position to now recruit and train other entrepreneurs into
business with me, I consistently gather information to decide who my best candidates could be.  Although there is no rule or test to measure the heart of a person (which is the ultimate key to success) I did notice a great correlation between successful athletes and successful entrepreneurs over the years.   Here are 6 reasons I love working with former or current  athletes as partners in the business world.

They are Competitive-  Athletes, especially those who are or were successful have a common denominator that they all share.  THEY ARE COMPETITORS.  Athletes love a challenge, and they are driven to accomplish the goals that are set before them.  Success in the business world is very similar.  In fact, in my 16+ years as an entrepreneur, I have seen a strong competitive nature in the successful entrepreneurs I have met and worked with.  Most often, this competitiveness came from an experience in sports at an earlier time in life.

They have a Will to Win-  Athletes and Entrepreneurs both have a strong will to win.  In fact, losing to successful athletes and entrepreneurs is for many of them, unacceptable.  This becomes one of the best assets of a person that drives them to become a creative problem solver.  Simply put, they don’t accept anything other than a victory.  That doesn’t mean they never lose.  It simply means they never quit because of a loss, but they work harder, and strive to put themselves in a position to not lose from the same type of defeat again.

They have Dedication-  Successful athletes very seldom win by accident.  It came from consistent preparation, practice, and studying their sport to do whatever it takes to get better and better.  They are dedicated.  To be a successful entrepreneur, one must be dedicated to their mission as well.

They Persevere-   Question: What is the price of success for an athlete?  Answer: Blood, Sweat and Tears!  Through the early morning practices, the injuries, and the coaches pushing you to uncomfortable limits, successful athletes persevere through it all.  In fact, those who do not persevere do not succeed in sports.  Entrepreneurs must persevere as well.  More times than not, your project, product, or service will be rejected by a potential buyer or investor.  It may not pass regulatory requirements.  It may take years to even bring it to market from unforeseen issues.  Entrepreneurs must continue on and stay focused and excited about their mission regardless of these encounters, no matter how numerous or often they might show their ugly face.

They play a role -   Athletes play certain roles depending on their strengths especially in team sports.  For example, in baseball, hockey, football, basketball and other sports, athletes play particular positions based upon their strengths.  They also learn how to work with others as a team to leverage each others skills to make the team the strongest possible.  Although many entrepreneurs are self employed or own their company, they also must know how to play a role and surround themselves with others who have skills beyond theirs in certain categories.   Although the term “self made” is throw around a lot in books and magazines, the truth is that business is truly a team sport and seldom is their ever purely a “self made” success in business.

They are leaders-  This is, to me, what really separates a great athlete as well as a great entrepreneur from the rest of the pack.  Leadership, which simply put is the ability to influence others and inspire them to perform, is the most important attribute of an athlete I would want on my team or a partner to work with in business.  Leaders take responsibility for  losses, and they do not blame anyone else for them.  However, when they win, although they may big the biggest contributor to the victory, the give credit to their team members and remain humble.  They strive to better not only themselves, but those around them.  The lead by example and only request of others what they are willing to do themselves.  Many times, they do not say what should be done, they simply show people what should be done by just doing it.

So I commend the athletes of yesterday to become the business leaders of tomorrow.  The strengths they will bring to the table in the business world will be hard to find anywhere else.

By: Don Martin
DMJ International

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Great Quotes to Inspire Success

 Whether it’s personal or professional  we are all looking for some inspiration from time to time. I wanted to share some of my favorites.
“If you don’t build your dream, someone else will hire you to help them build theirs.”
Dhirubhai Ambani
I came across these and felt inclined to share them.  The first one is one i will use as affirmation daily!  Have a great day!
“The number of times I succeed is in direct proportion to the number of times I can fail and keep on trying.”
Tom Hopkins
“You have everything you need to build something far bigger than yourself.”
Seth Godin
“You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.”
Zig Ziglar
“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.”
Jim Rohn
“Freedom, privileges, options, must constantly be exercised, even at the risk of inconvenience.”
Jack Vance
A mediocre person tells. A good person explains. A superior person demonstrates. A great person inspires others to see for themselves.”
Harvey Mackay
“If you can’t control your anger, you are as helpless as a city without walls waiting to be attacked.”
The Book of Proverbs
“A real decision is measured by the fact that you’ve taken a new action. If there’s no action, you haven’t truly decided.”
Tony Robbins
“Obstacles are necessary for success because in selling, as in all careers of importance, victory comes only after many struggles and countless defeats.”
Og Mandino
“Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get.”
Dale Carnegie
“Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements.”
Napoleon Hill
“The key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire not things we fear.”
Brian Tracy
Debbie Hancock

Thursday, June 13, 2013

6 Things to Do with Dad on Father’s Day

Father’s Day is this weekend and if you haven’t planned something special to celebrate, here are a few ideas that are sure to make Dad smile! There’s nothing like the gift of spending quality time with family.
  • Have a BBQ and grill out
  • Catch a game or better yet, organize one to play!
  • Go out for a meal at his favorite restaurant
  • Play his favorite board game or trivia
  • See some live music 
  • Plan a day on the the lake/beach if you leave near the water


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Thursday, May 30, 2013

You had me at 'Hello': How to introduce yourself at a networking event

“It’s great to meet you,” says the stranger at a networking event, smiling broadly as she shakes your hand. “Tell me about what you do.”

Uh oh. Now what?

Do you:

a) Launch into a five-minute monologue in which you rattle off your entire CV in reverse chronological order?

b) Mumble something vague and self-effacing, check your watch, and flee to the drinks table?

c) Smile back at your new contact and share your one-sentence networking introduction?

If you want to network more effectively, with less apprehension, and more ease, go for answer “c.” Take some time to craft a one-sentence networking introduction, and try it out at your next networking event.

It’s sometimes called an elevator pitch or an elevator speech, although I prefer the term “networking introduction” because it feels less “sales-y” and more genuine. Networking events — such as career fairs, alumni dinners or work-related receptions — are anxiety-inducing enough without feeling like you have to “pitch” to everyone you meet. The point of a networking introduction is not to “sell yourself” but to spark a conversation with a brand-new contact.

So how do you come up with a clear, compelling and concise introduction? Start by asking yourself three questions:

1. “Who am I?”

How would you like to describe yourself to a new contact? Here is where self-awareness and clarity about the strengths and skills you most enjoy using is so important. In your introduction, you can mention a profession, a role, a skill. Here are three examples:
  • I’m a monitoring & evaluation specialist.
  • I’m a project manager.
  • I’m a writer.

2. “Who do I work with, or want to work with?”

What kinds of organizations or people do you help or work with? For example:
  • Maternal health projects.
  • Cross-cultural project teams.
  • Microfinance organizations.

3. “What do I help these organizations or people to do?”

You can also look at it as, “What problem do I help them solve? What solution do I offer?” For example:
  • I use data to improve outcomes for women.
  • I work effectively with others to complete projects on time and budget.
  • I tell the story of how an organization’s work impacts the wellbeing of families in developing countries.

Once you’ve answered these three questions, pull your response together into one sentence. For example:
  • I’m a monitoring and evaluation specialist who helps maternal health projects use data to improve outcomes for women.
  • I’m a project manager who helps cross-cultural project teams complete projects on time and budget.
  • I’m a strong communicator who helps microfinance organizations tell the story of how their work impacts the well-being of families in developing countries.

As another example, here’s the networking introduction of Laos-based Devex member Mike Wolfe: “I’m a strategic-thinking WASH engineer who leads teams to make organizational improvements and achieve results in challenging contexts.”

A few tips

1. Some people find it helpful to brainstorm many potential introductions rather than fixating on getting one perfect. Once you’ve come up with several options, see which one(s) resonate the most.

2. Much like a CV or cover letter, your networking introduction should be tailored to the situation. You might use a slightly different introduction when meeting a recruiter at a career fair than when connecting with a fellow development practitioner at a conference.

3. If you are a job seeker and don’t feel comfortable saying “I do X work” when you aren’t currently employed in that area, you can adapt your language accordingly. For example: “I’m a monitoring and  evaluation specialist looking to help a maternal health project use data to improve outcomes for women.”

Remember that the aim of a networking introduction is to lead to further conversation. After you share your introduction, your new contact may make a comment or ask you a followup question about part of what you have said. Be prepared to listen for what they are interested in so that you’ll know how to continue the conversation with examples and anecdotes from your work and experience, tailored to your conversation partner’s interests. A networking conversation is not about “selling” yourself as the best candidate. It’s about getting to know each other, exploring common ground and seeing if there are ways you can help each other. And it all starts with a brief and clear networking introduction.

Simply taking a few minutes to develop — or refine — a networking introduction prior to a networking opportunity can help you feel more prepared, communicate more clearly, and network more effectively.


Saturday, May 25, 2013

A Cool Way To Give Your Business Card

 Author: Leil Lowndes

Trading business cards? Don’t just hand yours to the recipient like a worthless piece of cardboard stock. I’ve seen people swap cards as though they were dirty Kleenexes.
Don’t demean yourself like that! You are giving someone a representation of yourself. When you handle your card with reverence, it shows you take pride in your profession. Here's how: Take your card out of an attractive carrying case and present it HORIZONTALLY, WITH THE SCRIPT FACING THE RECIPIENT. Hold it just a bit HIGHER than usual—not in his face—but at a height where he could almost read it in your hands. If you show respect your work, others will, too.
Now she’s giving you her card? Do not just glance at it and quickly stash it in your pocket or purse. First, hold the card with BOTH HANDS and gaze at it as though it were a small piece of art she had hand-painted on rice paper especially for you. Then switch it to one hand, but continue holding it at waist level or just below. Give her card a RESPECTFUL GLANCE FROM TIME TO TIME. You are now making her feel especially esteemed and valued.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Are you ready to spring ahead with SMART goals?

The promise of warmer weather coincides with the reality of the first quarter coming to a close. It is often time to review sales reports and evaluate actual revenues against budget.  Year-end forecasts will be revised and questions about profitability will arise.  You may find yourself asking: If the right people appear to be doing all the right things, then why aren’t sales revenue growing?
 The answer to this question is not as perplexing as one might think.   The response to this question will become clear with the setting of SMART goals.  “Proper activity and result goal planning is the foundation of a successful sales person.” (BDU Sales Workshop Manual)
  • SpecificSMART GOALS
  • Measurable
  • Aligned with Company Goals
  • Realistic
  • Timed
When listing your  Specific goals, it is important to categorize them by how relevant (Essential, Important, Desirable)  they are to your business success.  Have you looked at your past business to identify the source of business  and clients?  This will help you identify activity goals for you and your company and where your time should be spent.
Is there a system in place to Measure or evaluate if the goal has been met or accomplished?   Determine if the goal will be set with quantitative or qualitative measures.   Examples of tracking activities are face to face meetings, new prospect appointments, follow up appointments, strategic referral meetings, networking events, LinkedIn, agreements/proposals.
In reviewing each person’s activity goals/objectives, be sure that they Align with the company goals for the same time period.
The goals that are set need to be Realistic.   What are your strengths, motivation , experience and resources?   If you set unrealistic goals, then the process will be compromised, interrupted and delivery of targeted numbers will be impossible.
After the list of goals has been set, you are ready for the last step which is Timed.   All types of internal and external variables will impact the timing of your goals and likelihood that you will accomplish the goals.   Starting points to assist you may include the following:  knowing the historical performance at your organization, seasonal fluctuations in the product and service,  and a strong understanding and appreciation of how long it will take you to accomplish each goal.
BDU can help you identify your SMART goals and  roadmap to create the process that will yield profitability for you and your organization.  If you are interested in learning more about SMART, then check out Business Development University’s Classes:

Brynne Tillman, COO Business Development University

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Do you need a Social Detox?

When you think about when you're at your happiest, you probably picture yourself in a place you've desired to be and surrounded by people you love to be around. Generally, it is not your vision to work your whole life in order to achieve a certain goal just to finally arrive there and be around people that you don't like or love. So much of achieving success is in the journey. It's not that the journey isn't tough at times but its how you handle it.

How do the people you hang around make you feel? Physically, how do you react? Your body will know what feels good and what doesn't. Are the people in your life contributing something positive to your every day life or are they sucking the energy out of you? Every relationship will be different, some people you can talk business with, some more emotional, some, you just adore their spirit and love being around them. Sure, we will all have our not so great days and our real friends will be there for us. However, if you are surrounded by someone that you constantly are reacting badly toward, than here's the secret: remove yourself from the situation. It's not that difficult to walk away from something or someone that makes you uncomfortable. Not all friends are created equal and that's ok.

Why choose to socially detox? You really are the sum of your network. Who are you hanging with? Are they like or dislike who you are and who you strive to be? Are the positive contributors or takers? Are they people you love but just can't be around right now? Are their intentions good or bad? All of these things are possible. The point is that by being aware and by listening to how you body reacts to certain situation is a great way to achieve happiness. If you are working to achieve happiness in the future - the fastest way to bet there is to make choices that make you happy now. 

Written by Sarah Rose Stack

Friday, May 17, 2013

LinkedIn Contacts and LinkedIn App – Is LinkedIn becoming a CRM?

LinkedIn Contacts and LinkedIn App – Is LinkedIn becoming a CRM?

Is LinkedIn becoming a CRM? Sure looks like they are moving in this direction.  LinkedIn Contacts App may be the biggest and boldest move LinkedIn has made so far. It is also available on . From what I see, it hasn’t rolled out to everyone and many of these features look as though they may be for the paid accounts only. But what I am seeing is very exciting. Here is what you get:
  1. Profile Organizer is now part of LinkedIn Contacts. Saved profiles, Tags and notes are now in one place under one convenient place – contacts.
  2. Notes section, which used to be available to everyone, then was limited to the paid accounts only but looks like it is now back with the LinkedIn Contacts App. And, only you can see this space so you can write whatever you want.
  3. You can save notes about your contacts and set reminders to stay in touch, unfortunately this is limited to 1 day, 1 week, 1 month or recurring. It would be ideal if you can set the date and time, but it is a start.
4.       There is a separate note on how you met. What a great way to remind us how we initially connected and why.
5.       Easily tag your contact in a group that you create so you can keep them organized and easy to manage.
6.       Your Email threads are available on your connections profile now. What a wonderful way to review past conversations. LinkedIn really wants us using them as an email and contact database, and they are doing a great job making this easy for us!
7.       Bring all your contacts into one place. Sync your address books and calendars. You can sync CardMunch, Evernote, IPhone Address Book, Outlook contacts, Gmail and on and on – bold and beautiful!
8.       Searching is fantastic – within you connections there are fields that include company, title and so much more.
9.       Once you sync – an icon will appear next to everyone’s profile to let you know where and how you are connected.
10.   LinkedIn now gives us a daily reminder of who in our network has birthdays, new positions and other relevant updates. You can send a quick note to stay in front of them from one easy place!
11.   You can still export you connection to, just click on settings and the download link is on the top right.
12.   BONUS: You can see the date you connected. Boy I love this feature!

Brynne Tillman, COO Business Development Universality