Monday, August 26, 2013

‘Clickjacking’: The Hidden Threat
Right in Front of You

Even savvy computer users can fall for “clickjacking,” the latest trick that hides a scam on a seemingly safe web page.

How it works
Clickjacking starts like most online phishing scams.  You receive an email, social media message, or text that directs you to a website.  Scammers may claim to be a major retailer giving away an iPad, for example.
The message instructs you to go to a website and enter to win.  When you get to the site, everything looks normal.  But scammers have hidden links and other content on the page.  In addition to the content you can see, there’s an invisible layer.
You complete the form and hit the “Register Now!” button, and that’s when you’re snared: the scammers have placed an invisible link on top of that button.
You think your click is entering you to win the gift, but you’re actually activating software code that may do anything from ordering goods from (using the “one-click” feature) to changing the settings on your computer.
The technique is often used to trick victims into “liking” something on Facebook, a variant dubbed “likejacking.”

How to spot a clickjacking scam   
BulletIf it seems too good to be true, it probably isn’t.  Stay away from teasers for sensational videos and offers that are too good to be real.
BulletUpdate your web browser.  Newer versions of browsers have security updates that warn you of suspicious websites.
BulletLog out of websites.  Many clickjacking scams take advantage of web users’ habit of staying logged into sites like Facebook or Amazon.
BulletDon’t believe what you see.  It’s easy to steal the colors, logos, and header of any established organization.  Always keep your guard up!
  By: © National Security Institute, Inc.

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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

5 Keys of The Opportunity Minded

5 Keys of The Opportunity Minded

     Among the obvious characteristics of a successful entrepreneur such as ambition, good work ethic, and strong leadership skills, an important quality that is often overlooked is being opportunity minded.  My definition of being opportunity minded is always being on the lookout for opportunity. Whether things are currently going well or could use improvement, by looking at situations as possible opportunities, you’re constantly learning and arming yourself with the needed information to stay on the cutting edge of what is happening.  Speaking from personal experience, It also may help you identify that the opportunity you are currently working on is really the ultimate opportunity for you as this has done for me over the last 13 years.  Opportunity minded people are also my favorite people to connect with and work together on projects as well.

Here are 5 ways to create the mindset of an opportunity minded individual or identify those people who are opportunity minded

Leverage: Work smarter not harder. If you find yourself putting in endless hours but you feel at times you are spinning your wheels, it’s a good idea to re-evaluate how you’re spending your time and also with whom you are spending it with. Some great ways to maximize your efficiency is to eliminate distractions, prioritizing result producing activities, stay organized, and be proactive.  If you are working with others, I recommend matching their efforts.  This prevents you from wasting time on activities that will not create leverage for you.  I call it “using the law of increasing returns”
Consider “no” as “not yet.” No matter how you slice it, you are going to hear that dreaded word, “no,” over and over again in any business. The key is to not let it discourage you or change your success mindset in the slightest. Instead of interpreting it as “no,” think of it as, “not yet.” This will keep you from closing the door on a potential opportunity prematurely. Although at times “no” really does mean “no,” keeping your mind open to the possibility that a “yes” may happen eventually will ensure you don’t miss out on a follow up opportunity.
Avoid the “short term” mindset of success. Where do you see your business in the future?   Creating a long term plan for your business gives you direction and allows you to continue moving forward and build a solid brand. As competition increases, technology evolves, and customer require change, It is critical to stay on top of current business and industry trends so that you aren’t left eating the dust of your competition.  If the opportunity you are working on has a short sighted plan, it may be time to reconsider a longer term opportunity that holds a great track record.
Network, Network, Network. Networking should be a constant in your business that never ends. I always look to expand my network not only at formal events like industry conventions, but also within the communities I currently do business and people you already know. I highly recommend stepping out of your comfort zone and exploring new social groups. Join a book club or volunteer with a local Non-Profit organization. You may just find that you are having fun and meeting some great people at the same time

Establish and maintain a great reputation and personal brand. Strive for excellence in all areas of your life.  This is certain to personally brand you as a person to be connected with. Once you have done so, make it clear to everyone you do business with that maintaining your reputation is your number 1 priority. Unfortunately, all it takes is one incident to cast doubt on your abilities and tarnish your good name. Practice integrity and consideration for others in all you do and DO NOT COMPROMISE. Do not overpromise anything as this practice is a sure fire way of tarnishing your personal brand and reputation.  Operating with integrity and honesty will speak for itself and open doors to new and exciting opportunities and you will also attract the right people into your business and life.