Why Athletes Often Become Incredible Business People
When I began my entrepreneurial journey, I always had an inner fire that was driving me. There was nothing in the world that could stop me and I have made a nice mark thus far in my endeavors as a result. Prior to my introduction into the business world, I was a successful athlete. In fact, as far back as I remember, I was always in athletics and was very successful in every sport I ever participated and won many championships. Ever to this day, I participate on occasion in a sport and have a drive to win. I became a competitor in sports over my life, and that competitiveness has stayed with me into the business world.

Being in the position to now recruit and train other entrepreneurs into
business with me, I consistently gather information to decide who my best candidates could be. Although there is no rule or test to measure the heart of a person (which is the ultimate key to success) I did notice a great correlation between successful athletes and successful entrepreneurs over the years. Here are 6 reasons I love working with former or current athletes as partners in the business world.
They are Competitive- Athletes, especially those who are or were successful have a common denominator that they all share. THEY ARE COMPETITORS. Athletes love a challenge, and they are driven to accomplish the goals that are set before them. Success in the business world is very similar. In fact, in my 16+ years as an entrepreneur, I have seen a strong competitive nature in the successful entrepreneurs I have met and worked with. Most often, this competitiveness came from an experience in sports at an earlier time in life.
They have a Will to Win- Athletes and Entrepreneurs both have a strong will to win. In fact, losing to successful athletes and entrepreneurs is for many of them, unacceptable. This becomes one of the best assets of a person that drives them to become a creative problem solver. Simply put, they don’t accept anything other than a victory. That doesn’t mean they never lose. It simply means they never quit because of a loss, but they work harder, and strive to put themselves in a position to not lose from the same type of defeat again.
They have Dedication- Successful athletes very seldom win by accident. It came from consistent preparation, practice, and studying their sport to do whatever it takes to get better and better. They are dedicated. To be a successful entrepreneur, one must be dedicated to their mission as well.
They Persevere- Question: What is the price of success for an athlete? Answer: Blood, Sweat and Tears! Through the early morning practices, the injuries, and the coaches pushing you to uncomfortable limits, successful athletes persevere through it all. In fact, those who do not persevere do not succeed in sports. Entrepreneurs must persevere as well. More times than not, your project, product, or service will be rejected by a potential buyer or investor. It may not pass regulatory requirements. It may take years to even bring it to market from unforeseen issues. Entrepreneurs must continue on and stay focused and excited about their mission regardless of these encounters, no matter how numerous or often they might show their ugly face.
They play a role - Athletes play certain roles depending on their strengths especially in team sports. For example, in baseball, hockey, football, basketball and other sports, athletes play particular positions based upon their strengths. They also learn how to work with others as a team to leverage each others skills to make the team the strongest possible. Although many entrepreneurs are self employed or own their company, they also must know how to play a role and surround themselves with others who have skills beyond theirs in certain categories. Although the term “self made” is throw around a lot in books and magazines, the truth is that business is truly a team sport and seldom is their ever purely a “self made” success in business.
They are leaders- This is, to me, what really separates a great athlete as well as a great entrepreneur from the rest of the pack. Leadership, which simply put is the ability to influence others and inspire them to perform, is the most important attribute of an athlete I would want on my team or a partner to work with in business. Leaders take responsibility for losses, and they do not blame anyone else for them. However, when they win, although they may big the biggest contributor to the victory, the give credit to their team members and remain humble. They strive to better not only themselves, but those around them. The lead by example and only request of others what they are willing to do themselves. Many times, they do not say what should be done, they simply show people what should be done by just doing it.
So I commend the athletes of yesterday to become the business leaders of tomorrow. The strengths they will bring to the table in the business world will be hard to find anywhere else.
By: Don Martin
DMJ International
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